104/365 - "The Black Ghosts" featuring Myself

April 15, 2014

104/365 - The Black Ghosts
Model: Myself

Click the links above for true colors on the image!

I'm uploading this a whole day late. I went out last night to shoot with the help of my friend Uriel. When we got to the field, there was a coyote howling non-stop and I told him to get my tripod with my camera mounted and hit away if our lives were in danger. Luckily, we made it out alive. After that, we got In N Out and came back to the field to take pictures of the Blood Moon. We made a cool  new friend names Erik. He's a teacher that teaches astronomy among other cool things at a local high school. It was an awesome night. I was really tired when I got home so I decided to upload it today, but I ended up running some errands and I'm currently dyeing my hair one solid color. Ahhh. I'm gonna miss my teal streak. Change is good though, I kind of freaked out because I haven't dyed my WHOLE hair since I was in high school. So that was a little while ago. But enjoy! Look out for today's picture later tonight! :)

Check out The Black Ghosts on Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud!


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