I've been MIA the past few months on here because of work and other crazy random things. Now that I'm back, I thought I'd start off with a quick blog about my hair transformation. I've been wanting to dye my entire head one solid color since I started coloring my hair. Every time I thought I was brave enough, I would always make up and excuse. Whether it was because of maintenance or I couldn't find the perfect person to do it, I was never short of excuses. This year I finally decided that it was time for a change and the worst thing was that I wouldn't like it. If I didn't like it, I could just dye it back. If it fell off for some reason, it'll eventually grow back. It's just hair! My friend April has amazing purple hair and recommended me her hair stylist Tori from DK hair. We actually ended up doing a photo shoot (that I'll save for another blog) and she was the raddest chick. We instantly got along and I knew she was THE ONE *insert romantic music* haha. Long story short, she did an amazing job on my hair.